Robeson County
Department of Social Services
Robeson County Department of Social Services
120 Glen Cowan Road
Lumberton, NC 28360
State Courier#:14-92-04
(910) 671-3500 / Fax: (910) 671-3092
Child Protective Services Fax: (910) 737-5058
Robeson County DSS has created a central email address for Aged, Blind, Disabled, and Deductible Medicaid beneficiaries to be able to email their verifications required at recertification to their caseworker.
If you receive a communication from The Robeson County Medicaid Department requesting information for recertification and are provided the following email address medicaid@robesoncountync.gov, you may email your verifications to this email address. You are still able to provide your verifications via in-person visit, or US Postal service. This is just another way for our Aged, Blind, Disabled, and Deductible Medicaid beneficiaries to provide your verifications.
Food & Nutrition Services
Program Description: Food and Nutrition Services provides monetary assistance to households with limited income to purchase food. You can now apply for Food and Nutrition Services benefits (FNS) with North Carolina ePASS online.
Interim Director - Kellie Hunt Blue
Director's Administrative Asst. II - Tracy Wiggins-Elliott
910-671-3547 (Fax) 910-617-3092 tracy.wiggins@robesoncountync.gov
Business Officer I-Waticia Floyd-McDonald
Personnel Officer - Tammy Kitson
(910) 671-3526
Services Program Administrator - Vacant
(910) 671-3717
Child Protective Services Program Manager - Tina Barnes-Dawson
(Investigations & Intake)
(910) 671-3564
Fax(910) 737-5058
FNS/Energy/TANF Program Manager - Linda Leggett
(910) 671-6201
Child Protective Services Program Manager - VACANT
(Case Management)
(910) 671-3716
Fax (910) 737-5058
Adoption and Foster Care Program Manager
Vanessa McKnight
(910) 671-3708
Adult Services Program Manager
Teresa Hargett
(910) 671-3168
Child Support Program Manager
Anthony Dial
(910) 671-3777
Medicaid and Program Integrity Program Manager
Gene Downing
(910) 671-3571
Medical Transportation Coordinator
Courtney Neville
Daycare Supervisor - Lesile Martin
(910) 671-3731
The COVID-19 Federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) provided NC Medicaid beneficiaries continuous (ongoing) Medicaid health coverage.
With the passage of Omnibus Bill in December 2022, states are no longer required to maintain continuous Medicaid coverage beginning April 1, 2023.
This means states must start redetermining eligibility for all Medicaid beneficiaries.
North Carolina will begin the renewal (recertification) process for Medicaid beneficiaries April 1, 2023.
Recertifications will be completed over the next 12 months as beneficiaries are up for renewal.
After several years of continuous Medicaid coverage during the PHE, Medicaid recertification could result in a beneficiary’s termination or reduction of benefits.
We Encourage you to do the following:
Update your contact information
You should make sure their local DSS has your current mailing address, phone number, email or other contact information.
Check your mail
The Local DSS will mail you a letter if you need to complete a renewal form to see if you still qualify for Medicaid.
Complete the renewal form (if you get one)
If you receive a renewal form, you should fill out the form and return it to DSS right away to help avoid a gap in your Medicaid coverage.
For questions about Medicaid eligibility, beneficiaries can find helpful information at their local DSS or on the NC Medicaid Beneficiary webpage.
If beneficiaries no longer qualify for Medicaid, they may qualify for health care coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.To learn more, go to HealthCare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).
To learn more about other affordable health care options, beneficiaries can also visit the NC Navigator Consortium at ncnavigator.net/schedule-assistance.
Keep up to date with the latest news by following the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Board of Commissioners
Pauline Campbell...Chair
Lance Herndon..Vice Chair
Wixie Stephens
Faline Dial
David Edge
Judy Sampson
Tom Taylor
John Cummings
NC Legislative Delegation: House
Brenden Jones
Jarrod Lowery
NC Legislative Delegation: Senate
Danny E. Britt, Jr