In North Carolina, counties do not own or maintain roads per the NC General Statutes.
Taxes paid to Robeson County do not pay for any road maintenance or the construction of new roads.
Robeson County does not have control over road access, maintenance problems, the building of new roads, planning for new roads, or the upkeep of stormwater and ditches along roadways.
Roads are designated as public OR private.
Public Roads: Public roads in Robeson County are owned, maintained, built, and dedicated to either the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) or a Municipality. NCDOT or the Municipality is responsible for all maintenance and upkeep of the roadway. (Robeson County does not control stormwater conveyance along NCDOT roadways.)
Private Roads: If a road is not public, then it is a private road that is privately owned by an organization like an HOA or POA, by a person, by several people, or by a Corporation/LLC. The designated owner is responsible for all maintenance and upkeep of the roadway.
To determine if your road is a public or private road, use Robeson County’s road lookup map. Type your street name in the search bar to learn if your road is maintained by NCDOT or falls within municipal limits.
State: If your road is a State/NCDOT road, contact NCDOT to report a concern.
Municipal: If the road is located inside municipal limits and you think the road might be a municipal (city/town/village) street, contact that municipality for confirmation or to report a concern.
Private: If the road is not a State road and is not a municipal road, or is outside municipal limits, then it is privately owned. The owner or owners of privately-owned roads are responsible for their maintenance and upkeep.
Note: Even though a road may be privately funded, it is still available for the use of public.
If requested, Robeson County Emergency Services staff will assess a privately-owned road’s condition to determine whether emergency vehicles (ambulances, fire trucks, etc.) can access properties on the road. If emergency vehicles cannot access properties along the road, Robeson County will let these property owners know and encourage them to take the steps necessary to repair and maintain the road. To request an assessment, call 910-671-3150
Street maps are available for purchase in the Robeson County GIS offic