Parks & Recreation
Robeson County Parks and Recreation is committed to providing quality recreational activities to the citizens of Robeson County. Our mission to the communities of Robeson County is to offer recreational activities for all ages and genders (that provide opportunities to gather, celebrate, contemplate, and engage in activities that promote health, well-being, community, and the environment). We offer youth cheerleading, baseball, softball, T-ball, basketball, football, soccer, along with a newly organized senior center, and we also maintain twenty seven parks around the county.
To build healthy communities through people, parks and programs.
Contact Information
Phone: (910) 671-3090 | Fax: (910) 738-2015
Physical Address:
2830 Kenny Biggs Road
Lumberton, NC 28358
Robeson County Press Release
Bradford Outdoor Pool
May 2, 2020
Due to the unpredictable future of COVID-19 and after careful consideration, Robeson County Parks and Recreation has decided to close Bradford pool for the entire summer. The decision was made to keep the pool closed in the interest of public health and staff safety.
The safety of our participants is our number one priority. The logistical challenges of being able to provide these services safely would severely limit the number of our citizens who would be able to access these services. While this was a difficult decision, we have determined that the challenges described above outweigh the benefit to the few that we would be able to safely serve.
Opening the pool created the following safety challenges and concerns related to Covid-19:
• Need to minimize the amount of people within our pool facility, limiting our ability to ensure equitable access
• Need to require visitors and staff to maintain a social distance and wear masks when they cannot
• Need to increase cleaning and sanitizing frequencies required for surfaces, bathrooms, picnic area (requiring additional staff)
Parks and Recreation Department staff is dedicated to supporting and providing recreational progress. We are exploring ways for the community to continue to engage with us via virtual community and fitness programming during these opportunities in the near future. For questions regarding the Bradford Pool please contact Robeson County Recreation Department at 910-671-3090.
Ages 6-8, Boys and Girls
Season: May-July
Locations: Rowland, Maxton, Prospect, Magnolia, Oxendine, Parkton, St. Pauls, Allenton, Rennert & Fairgrove
Little League
Ages 9-12, Boys and Girls
Season: April-August
Locations: Rowland, Maxton, Prospect, Oxendine, Parkton, St. Pauls, Magnolia, Allenton, & Fairgrove
Babe Ruth Baseball
Ages 13-15, Boys and Girls.
Season: May-August
Locations: Orrum, Fairmont, Rowland, Deep Branch, Maxton, Prospect, Oxendine, Pembroke, Union Chapel, St. Pauls, Magnolia, Littlefield, Parkton, Red Springs & Union
Youth Co-Ed Softball
Ages 9-12, both Boys and Girls
Season: May- July
Locations: County-wide
Co-Ed Softball
Ages 13-17
Season: May- August
Location: Maxton & Evans Cross Rd
Girls’ Softball
Ages 9-12
Season: June-August
Locations: Pembroke, Prospect, St. Pauls, Rex-Rennert, Littlefield, Lumberton, Maxton, Rowland, Orrum, Union, Deep Branch, Fairgrove, Magnolia & Union Chapel
Girls’ Fast-Pitch Softball
Ages 13-15
Season: June-August
Locations: Pembroke, Prospect, Lumberton, Rowland, Magnolia,
St. Pauls, Oxendine & Union Chapel
Carolina Glitterettes
Ages 3-18
Baton twirling and pom-pom-Girls
Rifle twirling-Boys
Season: Year round
Locations: East Robeson and Red Springs Middle
Adult Softball
Ages 18+, Men and Women
Season: May-August
Locations: Fairmont, Maxton, Pembroke, Red Springs, St. Pauls
Wrestling Program:
K-8, Boys and Girls
Season: Month of November
Youth Football
Ages 10-12 (5th -6th grade)
Season: September- November
Locations: Fairmont, Rowland, Maxton, Prospect, Deep Branch, Pembroke, Red Springs, St. Pauls, Magnolia, Piney Grove, Littlefield, Union, Orrum & Parkton
Flag Football
Ages 5-9 (1st -4th grade)
Season: September- November
Locations: Rowland, Fairmont, Pembroke, Union Chapel, Parkton, St. Pauls, Prospect, Orrum, Maxton, Deep Branch, Union, & Red Springs
Youth Basketball
Ages 10-14 (5th -8th grade)
Season: December-March
Locations: Orrum, Fairmont, Fairgrove, Rowland, Maxton, Pembroke, Prospect, Red Springs, Parkton, Magnolia, St. Pauls, Allenton, Union Chapel & Littlefield
Youth Volleyball
(Grade 5th & 6th only )
Season: Spring
Rowland, Fairmont, Prospect Pembroke, St. Pauls, Parkton, Magnolia & Union
Ages 15+
Season: November- February
Locations: Pembroke and Rowland
Senior Citizen Center
Barker Ten Mile Community Center Offers various weekly activities for senior citizens of the county
Senior Citizen Trips: Several trips sponsored by Robeson County Recreation Department throughout the year.
Senior Games:
Senior Citizen Socials: Year round
Recreation Department Staff
Director - Wendy Chavis
Email: wendy.sampson@robesoncountync.gov
Program Specialist - Jacqueline Johnson
Email: jacqueline.gaddy@robesoncountync.gov
Program Specialist - Anthony Govan
Email: anthony.govan@robesoncountync.gov
Assistant Director - Ricky McKinnon
Email: ricky.mckinnon@robesoncountync.gov
Program Specialist - Sean Locklear
Email: sean.locklear@robesoncountync.gov
Administrative Assistant - Regina Baxley
Email: regina.baxley@robesoncountync.gov
Maintenance Supervisor - William Smith
Foreman - Shamonte Washington
Maintenance Tech 1 - Jared Locklear
Maintenance Tech 1 - Bradd Locklear
Part time Maintenance - Russell Chavis
Board Members
District 1- Terry Jackson and James Whitted
District 2- Wanda Blue and Ritchie McCrimmon
District 3- Larece Hunt and Terry McNeill
District 4-William Deese and Barbara Bullard
District 5-Jerome Hunt and Shawn Woodell
District 6- Jay Britt and Leroy Rising
District 7- Randy Hardin and Billy Strickland
District 8- Wilson McNeill