Public Buildings
We are responsible for the maintenance, repair and housekeeping to all county public buildings which total approximately 750,000 sq. ft.
Department Staff
Director - Dwayne Hunt
Contact Email: dwayne.hunt@co.robeson.nc.us
Administrative Operations Coordinator- Sarah Hunt
Contact Email: sarah.hunt@co.robeson.nc.us
Housekeeping operates on two shifts.
Department Facts
Public Buildings operates on two budgets- Public Buildings and Court Facilities totaling 2 million.
We here at the Public Buildings Department are please to be able to assist you in your emergency and non-emergency building, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and general maintenance and repair needs. Please feel free to call Dwayne Hunt, if you have any non-emergency needs such as construction, remodeling, renovations, additions, etc. to discuss the level of assistance our department can provide you in your needs.
Contact Information
Sarah Hunt
Administrative Operations Coordinator
Email: sarah.hunt@robesoncountync.gov
Phone: (910) 671-3017 or 671-6280
Fax: (910) 737-4010
Dwayne Hunt
Email: dwayne.hunt@robesoncountync.gov
Office: 910-671-6280 or 910-671-3017
Fax: 910-737-4010
Office Hours
8:15 – 5:15
If you have an emergency or breakdowns in the buildings after hours please call in the order listed below:
On-Call Phone: 910-316-0904
Dwayne Hunt: 910-316-9970
Zachary Maynor 910-733-3480
Danny Chavis: 910-316-2141
Warford Maynor 910-734-1013
Roger Locklear: 910-316-3696