How much do I owe in taxes?
A. With our web portal, not only can you look up how much you owe, you can also pay your taxes online! You can pay both real and personal property taxes online by following this link.
*Please note the links in the upper right-hand corner – to look up real property information you use the ‘Real Property Record Search’ and you use ‘Tax Bill Search’ to look up personal property taxes.
Q. I can see from your website that I can pay my real property taxes online, but what about personal property, can I pay those online as well?
A. Absolutely! Simply follow this link. http://www.ustaxdata.com/nc/robeson/robesonsearch.cfm
to look up and pay your personal property taxes.
Q. I’ve been trying to pay my taxes online, but I just don’t see how to do it, can you show me how to pay my taxes online?
A. No problem. We’ve developed an easy-to-follow web demonstration on how to pay your taxes online. Simply click here Tax Payment Tutorial to begin.
Q. I want to see who owns this land. How can I do that?
A. Robeson County provides all publicly available land records online through our geographic information system (GIS) website. Simply follow this link to begin https://maps2.roktech.net/ROKMAPS_Robeson/
Q. Wow! Your GIS website is really great! All this information right at my fingertips! It looks really complicated, so, umm….how do I use it?
A. An excellent question. We’ve prepared an easy-to-follow demonstration on how to use the GIS website. Follow this link to learn how to use our GIS system Tutorials & FAQ’s.
Q. I’m trying to find a particular deed; do I really have to go to the courthouse to look it up?
A. Not at all! We have most of our deeds digitized and indexed so they’re searchable on the Register of Deeds website. Check it out here. http://robeson.bislandrecords.com
Q. I followed your tutorials on how to use the GIS system and I love the information it provides. How up-to-date is the information?
A. The land records information you see is updated every day. Any changes made today are actually ‘committed’ to the geodatabase at the close of the business day, so those changes are viewable at that time. All the sales information you see is updated every morning before the business day begins.
Q. I have a question that isn’t listed here. How do I contact the tax office?
A. We have created several contact forms for your use. Any question you may have should fit into one of the categories offered; complete the correct form and it will be sent directly to the person(s) most capable of answering you in a timely fashion. Find the forms under the top menu of our website, under TaxFAQs OR listed below. Alternatively you can phone the office to speak to one of our staff at (910) 671-3060.
Q. What is Individual Personal Property?
A. Individual Personal Property Consist of.
Boats and motors
Jet skis
Mobile homes
Aircraft (including hot air balloons and gliders)
Unlicensed Vehicles (Including trailers, campers & motorcycles)
Q. When do I need to list personal property?
A. The listing period for personal property begins on the first business day in January (2nd). The last day to list or postmark the listing form is January 31st.
Q. If I still own the same personal property as I listed last year, do I still need to list?
A. Yes, personal property must be listed each year.
Q. How and when may I appeal the value of my personal property?
A. All appeals must be in writing to the Robeson County Tax Administrator, 550 North Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor, Lumberton, NC 28358, within 30 days of the bill date.
Q. When will I receive the bill for my personal property?
A. Bills are projected to be mailed in July of each year.
Q. When do I let you know that I have sold my personal property?
A. Changes must be reported each January during the listing period and before January 31st.
Individual Personal Property Tax Listing Form
Q. Are any personal property forms available online?
A. Yes, click the links below for the form you want.
Individual Personal Property Tax Listing
Q. What is Business Personal Property?
A. Anyone who owns or operates a business is required to annually list with the Tax Asessor’s office all the equipment that is used for that business. Examples: restaurant equipment, tables, chairs, stoves, production line equipment for manufacturing companies, cash registers, copiers, computers, earth moving equipment, broadcasting equipment, cellular equipment, farm equipment etc.
Q. I have started a new business in Robeson County. When and where do I need to list?
A. Owners of business personal property must list with the Tax Assessor’s Office during the month of January each year. A 10% late listing penalty will be charged for anyone who lists after January 31st of each year.
Q. May I get an extension on listing my business personal property?
A. Yes. An extension may be granted up to April 15th if the request is made in writing, giving good cause, and postmarked by January 31st of that year.
Q. I need to know what was listed last year. How can I obtain this information?
A. Please get in touch with the Business Personal Property at (910) 671-3060.
Q. My business closed in March. I have received a tax bill for this year. How much am I responsible for?
A. Ownership, value, and situs are determined as of January 1st each year. You are responsible for the taxes for this year. The following January, when you receive your business Tax listing form, you will need to write on it that the business was sold and what happened to the assets.
Q. I am a farmer; do I need to list?
A. Yes. If you own and operate a farm that is income-producing. If you own and operate any animal agricultural businesses such as swine, poultry, or turkey houses, you are required to list the equipment or assets used to operate the business.
Q. Are any business personal property forms available online?
A. Yes, click the links below for the form you want.
Business Personal Property Tax Listing
Farm Business Tax Listing Form
Q. Why am I receiving a bill for my registered motor vehicle after I just renewed the tag?
A. Taxes shall be due on the first day of the fourth month following the date the registration expires or on the first day of the fourth month following the last day of the month in which the new registration is applied for.
Q. Why do I have to pay taxes again? I paid taxes when I purchased the vehicle?
A. When the vehicle was purchased you are required to pay North Carolina
sales tax. Your bill is for county property tax.
Q. When can I appeal my registered motor vehicle tax bill?
A. The value of a registered motor vehicle must be appealed within 30 days
after the date of the tax notice is prepared.
Q. I no longer own this vehicle, do I still owe this tax bill?
A. Yes. You are billed on the vehicle you had when you renewed your tag. If you turned your tag in to DMV, contact the Robeson County Tax Collector’s office at (910) 671-3060 for prorating of taxes.
Q. Can I receive an adjustment or reduction on my registered vehicle?
A. You will need to contact the Robeson County Tax Administration office at
(910) 671-3060. You must request an adjustment within the 30 day appeal time and provide proof why the tax office should adjust your bill. Examples of adjustments are: high mileage, salvage title, extensive and major repairs.
Q. I am the owner of an antique vehicle, can I get a reduced bill?
A. Yes, contact the Robeson County Tax Administration at (910) 671-3060 for the application and requirements for an antique vehicle.
Q. I no longer have this vehicle, do I still have to pay this bill?
A. If you transferred the tags to a new vehicle you have purchased, yes. The taxes follow the tags. If you turned in the tags and sold the vehicle, then you can supply to our office the receipt from NCDMV showing the tags surrendered, and also a notarized bill of sale. Once we have these two documents we can then prorate the bill for only the months you actually used the tag.
Q. Why do I have to list vehicles that I no longer have tags or insurance on?
A. Even though the vehicle is not in service, you will need to list those vehicles during the month of January as unlicensed vehicles. Taxes must be paid each year on these vehicles as long as the titles remain in your name.
Q. Why am I receiving a bill on a vehicle I just purchased recently?
A. Vehicles are billed 90 days after you either purchase a tag or renew a tag.
Q. Is my receipt all I will need at NCDMV to renew my tag?
A. Yes, all pertinent information that DMV needs is listed on the paid receipt from our office.
Q. Can I change the address on my vehicle?
A. You will need to change your address on a vehicle with NCDMV before or at the time of tag renewal. Vehicle addresses can not be changed at the tax office.
Q. I purchased this property this year, why didn’t I receive a tax bill?
A. Property purchased after January 1 of a given year remains in the name of the owner of record on that date. For instance, you bought property from John Smith on February 15th, due to the fact John Smith owned this property on January 1 the bill will be mailed to him and remain listed in his name until the following year when the property is in your name on January 1.
Q. I sold this property this year, why did I get the bill?
A. You were the January 1 owner of record of this property, therefore, you are liable for this bill. The new owner will be billed the following year.
Q. Can my wages really be garnished for my county taxes?
A. Most definitely. Any tax bill that has become delinquent (vehicle, personal property, or real estate) can be garnished.
Q. Do I have to pay fire tax on everything?
A. Yes. Fire tax is calculated on vehicles, vacant property, buildings, etc…..
Q. What do I need to get a mobile home moving permit?
A. There are several documents that are required to obtain a moving permit. First and foremost, the mobile home has to be listed current and all taxes have to be paid in full. The best way to make sure that you have all the documents necessary is to contact our office for a list that we have just for this purpose.
Q. I just received my valuation notice. What if I don’t agree with the value of my property?
A. If you receive a valuation notice for tax year 2024 and disagree with it, you can appeal within 30 days of the date of the valuation notice. Simply send us a written letter of appeal along with a copy of the valuation notice.
Q. When is the county’s next general reappraisal?
A. Robeson County’s next general reappraisal is scheduled for 2024.
Q. What tax benefits are offered for the County’s senior citizens and disabled persons?
A. If you are 65 or older or totally and permanently disabled, you may qualify for a tax exemption on your permanent residence here in the county. Contact our real estate dept for more information.
Q. How is the value of my home and/or land determined?
A. We will generally determine values by a sales comparison; what similar homes/land are selling for in a general area. Robeson County does not use a taxpayer’s individual purchase prices as a taxable value.
Q. Are there any tax benefit programs offered for farmers?
A. Robeson County has an agriculture, horticulture and forestry program. If you have at least 10ac of agriculture land or 20ac of forestry land in production, you may qualify for a tax deferment. Contact our real estate dept for more information.